An Ismaili Thinker on Abraham and Moses' Recognition of the Earthly and Celestial Hierarchies 1: Translation of the Kitab al-Islah by Abu Hatim al-Razi 16-(1)
Journal Article: Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies No.52 (2021. 3)
“This article provides the translation of the fourth segment or section (fasl) from the chapter entitled "The Chapter on Ishmael and Isaac" (Bab al-Qawl fi Isma’il wa-Ishaq) from Part Three of the Kitab al-Islah (The Book of Correction) by Abu Hatim al-Razi (d. ca. 332 A.H./933-4 C.E.), a Neoplatonist-influenced Ismaili thinker from the 4th c. A.H./10th c. C.E.
This study is the 16th in a series constituting the English translation of the entire text of al-Islah. The segment translated in this study is interrupted by a long lacuna in the text and divided into two portions. Reflecting this division, this translation consists of two subsections as follows: the first subsection, which constitutes the present article, dealing with a portion of the text before the lacuna; and the second subsection, which constitutes the next article, dealing with a portion after it.” (Shin Nomoto)
Author: Shin Nomoto
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