Description: Dr. Khalil Andani (Assistant Professor of Religion) has published a comprehensive article on Tawhid (Divine Unicity) in Islam in the St. Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. It is available online here.
In this article, Dr. Andani surveys over 10 different Muslim understandings of Tawhid including multiple Sunni, Sufi and Shi'i perspectives - Mu'tazilis, Ash'aris, Maturidis, Hanbalis, Ismailis, Philosophers (Ibn Sina), Sufis (Ibn Arabi), Twelver Shi'a, Indo-Muslim devotional literature (Ginans), and many others. There are also extensive quotations of untranslated primary sources and visual diagrams to make the knowledge accessible.
The surveyed material includes Ismaili philosophers and Da'is, Ismaili Pirs and the Ginans, the writings of Pir Shihab al-Din Shah and the religious guidance of the Aga Khan. The last part of the essay looks at the modern-day debate over intercessory prayer (istighatha) in the context of Muslims praying to the Prophet, Imams, and Saints.
Author: Dr. Khalil Andani
Link to Free Open Access Article: St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology